Contact Information
Name: Dr. Kevan Shafizadeh, P.E., T.E., PTOE, PTP
Title: Dean and Professor
Office Location: 2014 Riverside Hall (ECS Dean's Office)
Email: shafizadeh@v-lanterna.com
Office Phone: (916) 278-5348
Mailing Address: College of Engineering and Computer Science, 6000 J Street, MS 6023, Sacramento, CA 95819-6023
Office Hours: by appointment
Zoom Meeting Room : http://csus.zoom.us/my/shafizadeh
Ph.D., Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Washington.
Emphases: Transportation Engineering and Planning, Applied Statistics.
M.S., Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis.
Emphasis: Transportation Engineering and Planning.
B.S., Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis.
Professional Registration, Licensure, and Certifications
- Professional (Civil) Engineer (P.E.). California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists, #70099
- Professional (Traffic) Engineer (T.E.). California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists, #2972
- Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE), Transportation Professional Certification Board, #2208
- Professional Transportation Planner (PTP), Transportation Professional Certification Board, #362
- Private Pilot - Single Engine Land Aircraft, Federal Aviation Administration, #3025485
Professional Experience
Administrative- Dean, College of Engineering and Computer Science, California State University, Sacramento, 2021 – present. (Interim Dean 2021 - 2022.)
- Associate Dean, College of Engineering and Computer Science, California State University, Sacramento, 2015 – 2021. (Interim AD 2015 – 2016.)
- Technical Director, California Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) Center, 2013 – 2019.
- Department Chair, Department of Civil Engineering, California State University, Sacramento, 2012 – 2015.
- Director, Summer Transportation Academy (STA) for Undergraduate Students, 2012 – 2016.
- Professor, Transportation Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, California State University, Sacramento, 2004 – present:
- Professor (with tenure), 2014 – present.
- Associate Professor (with tenure), 2009 – 2014.
- Assistant Professor, 2004 – 2009.
- Post-Doctoral Research Engineer and Instructor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, 2002 – 2004.
- Doctoral Research Engineer and Lecturer, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, 1998 – 2002.
- Independent Transportation/Traffic Engineer, Consultant, and Subject Matter Expert, 2003 – present.
Courses Taught and Supervised
- Transportation Engineering with field laboratory
- Transportation Systems Analysis
- Transportation Planning
- Computer Applications in Civil Engineering with computer laboratory
- Statistics for Engineers
- Special Problems in Transportation Engineering
- Graduate Culminating Experience in Transportation Engineering
- Civil Engineering Seminar
- Professional Development Seminar
Professional Affiliations
- Fellow, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
- Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Member, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
Short Biography
Dr. Kevan Shafizadeh is the Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science and a professor of transportation engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering at California State University, Sacramento.
Dr. Shafizadeh has been at Sacramento State since 2004 and has taught courses in transportation engineering, transportation planning, statistics, and computer applications. He has conducted a variety of transportation-related research projects and serves as a consultant or expert to various engineering firms as well as private, public, and non-profit entities. He is a California state-registered Professional Civil Engineer (PE) and Traffic Engineer (TE), and a certified Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE) and Professional Transportation Planner (PTP).
Dr. Shafizadeh completed Bachelor's and Master's degrees at UC Davis and a doctoral degree at the University of Washington – all in civil and environmental engineering.
Kevan and his wife, Tracy, live with their two sons in East Sacramento, close to the Sacramento State campus.
Selected Publications
Medurya, A., O. Grembek, A. Loukaitou-Sideris, and K. Shafizadeh (2017). “Investigating the Underreporting of Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes In and Around University Campuses - A Crowdsourcing Approach,” Accident Analysis & Prevention, August.
Schneider, R.J., K. Shafizadeh, and S. Handy (2015). “Method to Adjust Institute of Transportation Engineers Vehicle Trip-generation Estimates in Smart-growth Areas,” Journal of Transport and Land Use, 8(1), pp. 69 - 83.
Schneider, R., K. Shafizadeh, B. Sperry, and S. Handy (2013). “Methodology to Gather Multimodal Trip Generation Data in Smart-Growth Areas,” Transportation Research Record 2354, pp. 68 - 85.
K. Shafizadeh, R. Lee, D. Niemeier, T. Parker, and S. Handy (2012). “Evaluation of the Operation and Accuracy of Available Smart Growth Trip Generation Methodologies for Use in California,” Transportation Research Record 2307, Washington, D.C., pp. 120 – 131.
Fitch, J., K. Shafizadeh, W. Zhao*, and W. Crowl (2011). “Rational Models for Setting All-Red Clearance Intervals,” ITE Journal, Institute of Transportation Engineers, February, pp. 16 - 20.
Fugitt, B.* and K. Shafizadeh (2010). “Measuring Land Use Diversity and Correlating Its Relationship with VMT,” Paper#10-4039, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Proceedings, Washington, D.C., January.
Horton, J.* and K. Shafizadeh (2009). “Identifying Sites with Targeted Crash Types for Engineering Investigations in California,” Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Western District Annual Meeting Proceedings, Denver, CO, July.
Choo, S., K. Shafizadeh, and D. Niemeier (2007). “The Development of a Prescreening Model to Identify Failed and Gross Polluting Vehicles,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 12(3), pp. 208 – 218.
Shafizadeh, K., D. Niemeier, P. Mokhtarian, and I. Salomon (2007). “A Monte Carlo Simulation Model Incorporating Telecommuter, Employer, and Public Sector Perspectives,” ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 13(1), pp. 12 - 25.
Shafizadeh, K. and F. Mannering (2006). “Statistical Modeling of User Perceptions of Infrastructure Condition: Application to the Case of Highway Roughness,” Journal of Transportation Engineering, 132(2), pp. 133 - 140.
Shafizadeh, K. and D. Niemeier (2004). “Analysis of Gross Polluter Cutpoints Based on In-Use Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Test Data in California,” Urban Transport X: Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century, [Ed: C.A. Brebbia], WIT Press, Ashurst, U.K., pp. 761 - 771.
Shafizadeh, K. and F. Mannering (2003). “Public Acceptability of Pavement Roughness on Urban Highways: An Empirical Analysis,” Transportation Research Record 1860, pp. 187 - 193.
Shafizadeh, K. and Niemeier, D. (1997). “Bicycle Journey-To-Work: Travel Behavior and Spatial Attributes,” Transportation Research Record 1578, pp. 84-90.
* - Denotes student author